Dr. Robert Bodily
Dr. Robert Bodily
Co-Founder & CEO of Bioniq at Toniq Labs
AI / DataAI / Data
Dr. Robert Bodily
Dr. Robert Bodily
Co-Founder & CEO of Bioniq at Toniq Labs
AI / DataAI / Data

This is a living utility NFT with the following benefits : 1) 5 hours of time with the expert 2) Re-sale and customization of the Artwork 3) Joint IP of the conversation which can be tokenized as a NFT with 90% of sale to you and expert 4) Access to exclusive community and events with all current and future experts 5) Your work with this expert will be showcased at the world’s first Metaverse Museum of Industry expert Wisdom. “Bob” is the Co-Founder & CEO of Toniqlabs, an NFT marketplace/Internet Computer Blockchain launchpad. He holds PhD in Educational Technology and built a successful career as a data scientist. When Bob is not running Toniq Labs, he is researching open assessment platforms, learning analytics, data mining and educational dashboards. He has a special love for Ethereum (ETH) & Dfinity’s ‘Internet Computer’, and also gives insights on topics and discussions surrounding #IC, NFTs, Web3 & DAOs.

Dr. Robert Bodily